Current Ministry Locations
*Due to security concerns, SOS does not disclose all of the locations where we are currently church planting.

First Hope Center planted in El Salvador
El Salvador – December 2000
Twenty years ago, the Lord opened the door for us to minister in El Salvador, and the Lord is continuing to do awesome things here as He grows and matures His church.
SOS short term teams visit El Salvador three times a year to encourage the church, to run conferences, and to preach the gospel to the lost alongside our Central American family.
Prayer Needs: Pray for our brothers and sisters in El Salvador to continue to grow in spiritual maturity. Pray for our youth who suffer greatly from the gangs and violence. Pray that they would live faithful and holy, and that God would even bring members of the gangs to faith.

Celebrating a wedding at our Hope Center in Honduras
Honduras – September 2003
In 2007, the Lord led us to a region of Honduras in desperate need of the gospel. Today, church groups are meeting in many different communities throughout the region and corporately in our Hope Center – “La Esperanza 2”.
Prayer Needs: Pray for boldness and unity for our church that is scattered over so many different communities. Pray that they would be a light in their communities and that God would break down many hard hearts to surrender to Jesus Christ.

Excited children wave to the camera
Nigeria – October 2009
The Lord called us to an awesome ministry in Nigeria in 2009, and we have seen churches planted in several communities and a faithful team of Nigerian believers with the dream to reach Africa and beyond.
Prayer Needs: Ministry is difficult and dangerous in Nigeria, and there are many false gospels being preached. Pray that God protects our workers and church members physically and spiritually, and that the word of God continues to grow as it has been doing.

Bible study with young believers
Benin – August 2013
Benin is the birthplace of Voodoo and is immersed in satanic witchcraft; the Lord called us here to a country immersed in spiritual darkness when several men from Benin invited us to their homeland.
Today, hundreds of believers gather in villages once overrun by witchcraft, renouncing their evil practices to follow Jesus Christ.
Prayer Needs: Pray that our brothers and sisters will be protected from the evil practices of their former life. Pray that none of them turn back but remain faithful. Pray that the word of God continues to pioneer into new places, that they would share in the joy of our Lord.

Indiginous leaders from all three countries in West Africa
Togo – April 2017
Having planted churches in Nigeria and Benin, the Lord led us onward to Togo, our newest West African mission. Already, believers from several villages have turned away from idolatry to serve the living God, among whom are former sorcerers and chiefs who have renounced their old ways to follow the Living God through Jesus Christ. Rejoice with us!
Prayer Needs: Pray that God will continue to grow this fledgling ministry, and that the new believers will remain faithful to the Lord.
Pray that God provides Hope Centers for all our new church plants.

Christmas ministry on the new ministry property in Guatemala
Guatemala – March 2019
Guatemala is our newest mission and church plant in Latin America. Led by a pastor with a zeal for the Lord and for people to come to Christ, we have planted a church in a region that once had no solid Christian witness. Now people are coming to Christ and discovering the joy of their salvation.
Prayer Needs: Pray four our pastor Bladimir and his family to press on and to be faithful in the Lord. Pray for the new believers to grow in spiritual maturity and boldness alike.
Pray that God provides a Hope Center for this new location.

Early ministry to international students
United States – From the Beginning
As stated in Acts 1:8, SOS began in our “own Jerusalem” (Clearwater, FL) as a small ministry to international students. Sharing the hope of Christ, God turned many of these students into life long friends. These new believers then invited us to their homelands to share the same gospel with their own people.
Our ministry has expanded to international communities as we delight to show love to the foreigner and the stranger (Leviticus 19:34). As those who travel abroad, we understand what it is like to live in a foreign culture and how difficult and lonely it can be. Thus we desire to help them acclimate to the culture while showing the same compassion Jesus showed us, because although we were once strangers and aliens, we are now citizens of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). If you are interested in befriending an international student, please contact us.